Brew Method: Vietnamese Coffee
Vietnamese coffee will blow you away. You wont find this hidden gem at your big name coffee shops, so we’re bringing the recipe to you.
What You’ll Need
- Battle Grounds Hold Fast Coffee
- Condensed milk. (not evaporated)
- Phin Coffee filter
- Porlex Hand Coffee Grinder
- Scale
- Ice
- Glass cup 12-16 oz.
1) Step one:
Add 1/4 inch or one heaping table spoon of your Sweet Condensed Milk to your pint glass.
2) Step two:
Add 1-3 table spoons of Medium-corse ground coffee to the Phin and place on top of glass with saucer. Place the press on top of the grinds and turn 1/2 to 1 times to level grinds. After grinds are level, apply pressure to compact the grinds.
3) Step three:
Add 30 ml of near boiling water to the Phin and wait 20-30 seconds. This allows the coffee to bloom and off-gas, which prepares the coffee to accepts the necessary amount water needed to extract all the flavors and textures we love so much.
4) Step four:
Add enough water to fill the brew chamber.
5) Step five:
Allow 3-4 minutes for brew to take place. All of the water should pass through the Phin and form a layer of dark rich coffee atop the sweet condensed milk.
6) Step six:
Remove Phin and stir the coffee into the sweet condensed milk.
7) Step seven:
Pour drink over ice, stir until chilled and enjoy.
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