Delta Dogs
Battle Grounds Coffee Co. is proud to announce our partnership with nonprofit Operation Delta Dog, an organization that works tirelessly to train, shelter, and provide service dogs for veterans in need.
As we work together to advocate for veterans and bring awareness to the mental health needs of the veteran community, this partnership furthers Battle Grounds Coffee’s commitment to our community.
How it started:
In 2012, Operation Delta Dog founder Trisha Blanchet realized there were two massive gaps in services not being met in her home state of Massachusetts. The first gap was the vast number of veterans in need of service animals and the second was the tremendous number of dogs who were being abandoned to shelters.
As the daughter of a decorated Vietnam Veteran, Trisha is well-versed in how underserved the veteran community has been in the past. After extensive research she learned that Massachusetts is home to more than 400,000 veterans, and an estimated 15-20% of those veterans suffer from a Traumatic Brain Injury or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. She also learned that 50,000 dogs a year end up in Massachusetts shelters, and half are euthanized.
While most people would lament these statistics from the comfort of their homes, Trisha is not most people. She immediately sprung into action and spent the next six months developing relationships with veterans at the VA medical centers in Bedford, MA and Manchester, NH, working to create a plan of action.
A year later, in 2013, Trisha won a pitch contest sponsored by the Merrimack valley sandbox which awarded Operation Delta Dog $10,000 to tackle both the issue of veterans in need of partners, and canines in need of companions. Like most good warriors, Trisha saw a problem, created a battle plan, and worked hard to execute her plan. Thanks to her commitment to the Battle Grounds Way, dogs get what they need, and veterans get the help they deserve.
Battle Grounds Values:
Operation Delta Dog is a prime example of an organization carrying out Battle Grounds values-the drive to achieve a mission at all cost, to do the RIGHT thing, to use the SEAL mentality to achieve life and business goals.
As a Battle Grounds Coffee consumer, you too are already on the path to achieving and adopting Battle Grounds values. As a Battle Grounds Coffee consumer you share in living the Battle Grounds Way: motivated for success, living a purposeful life, with admiration for an investment in the entrepreneurial spirit.
At Battle Grounds we serve the gamut, from hipsters to gun toting conservatives, but the commonality is that all those who are part of the battle grounds community are refined, balanced, and focused on the deeper values in life rather than superficial labels. Working together, we better serve our country and community.
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