Brew Method: Chemex
The Chemex. This method is a personnel favorite. The Chemex is great for someone who likes no sediment in their coffee.
This method births a coffee that has a pleasant tea like consistency, much clarity, and a smooth silky mouth feel. Now lets go over the techniques of brewing. First, we will need a recipe. For this brew method, because of the concave cone shape you want to keep your pouring in the center, this reduces the risk of the water channeling down the sides which can lead to an uneven extraction. When pouring, pour in circular rotation, but remember stay in the center and do not hit the sides.
For this recipe we will do 3 separate pours. We will not do a bloom, though if you have another recipe you would like to use and you wish to bloom the coffee feel free too.

Here is the recipe we will be working with:
Water temp: 200-209 degrees
Coffee: 25 Grams
Grind: Electric Perk (Slightly courser than drip)
Time |
Water |
0:00 |
130 grams |
1:00 |
260 grams |
2:00 |
390 grams |
For this recipe, preferably you want to the water to finish dripping through around 04:00, so total brew time should be roughly four minutes. This recipe should you give you around 12oz of coffee.
Again, with this method start your timer as soon as you start your first pour, make sure your pour speed is consistent
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